Tag: Writing

Hot chocolate instructions activity!

Task description:Today me and my literacy class had to do a very fun writing activity. First I had to write the ingredients and the equipment we need to use for this hot chocolate. Then we had to write what the first instructions were to make hot chocolate. I really enjoyed this writing activity byee and please use my ingredients for my hot chocolate BYee

Under my bed Story

Task description:Today I have finished writing my story for Under my bed. This writing is about two Girls name Jilliane and Isla-May which are both of my friends. Who always stick together in the story. They are curious about what is under the bed so they just check. My favourite part was writing the story, also the beginning of my story. hope you  enjoy reading my story!!

Week 4 Writing

Task description:Today I have finished (Done) my writing task for week 4. I wrote a story about cool shoes and weird,maybe cool arcade. So on my first story which was the cool shoes,It was called was called Alice and the magical shoes of wonder, My other one was the mysterious arcade. I work on this for three days hope you enjoy my story but also please leave an positive comment Byee!!.

Thursday Matariki Writing

Task description:Today I finished The Thursday matariki writing. This was a joyful activity to do but kind of sad cause on one of the slides was about how to remember the loved ones who have passed. But I learned so much about matariki this year. I liked the last slide because You had to ask some friends some future questions,Byee! and hope you enjoy!