Tag: Writing

Spy mouse MISSION

“Hi I’m Sydney the mice I love going on missions!  


One day I was at my house with my family and all of our food went missing. There was a missing crime. I went  to get my safety gadgets including my bag. As I put on my shoes I could smell SMELLY HUMAN FEET crawled into a room where it was clear like the sun. I saw a shadow I crept as a ant into a shoe But it’s not over yet I have to find my belongings I went back I saw my older brother I whispered to him and I said “ here’s a rope I want you to tie it to the light bulb”


“Ok! Said my brother


I reached down and saw a trap but I didn’t mind I reached down my hand and I could see my afternoon shadow I saw also cheese in the trap 


“Lower Lower and STOP I shouted


 I grabbed the cheese but it wasn’t over yet. My brother shouted I can’t hold you for that long Suddenly My brother couldn’t bear to hold the rope any longer. My bestie came to  save the day. She’s one of those overprotective  butterflies. She flew with her wings as fast as she could, losing one hope to lose a friend. I scream like a hyena. I was so lucky I was saved, 50% of mice mostly die from mouse traps. 


                  To Be continued

Chooose it narritive

One day there was a boy and a girl, The boy name was Embar and the girl name was Rassed. They had a family full of mysterious names, if we put their names together then it would be Embarrassed. They both wanted to experience world science and adventure, so they grabbed their tools like magnifying glass and binoculars. They headed down to this  tree they have noticed that there was a door with a code *the code was:669980* it was 6 letters long. They decided to go inside the tree Guess what they found. FOSSILS screamed Rassed and they realized they lived in egypt and also found a tomb. There was a door that said The King of valleys TO BE CONTINEUED………………….   

In My Heart

Task description:Today I finished my writing I hope you enjoy my writing. My favourite part was writing the story because it has been so easy to do. While I was doing this I felt happy and tired because it is a long day today byee.