Tag: Inquiry

Marshmallow and spaghetti game

TASK DESCRIPTION:For team 3 Creative space project we did Marshmallows and a spaghetti bridge Game I have been working on it for weeks I really enjoyed this because it kept me hyped like if I was bored at home I could play it. This was part of coding and using new ideas I loved this, I drew a pretty cool background for this game Here are the instructions Hope you Enjoy.


Up-Click on the top and drag the item to make it work!

Down-Click on the bottom and drag the item  to make it work!

Right-Click the right side and drag the item to make it work!

Left-Click the left side and drag the item to make it work!

bigger-to make it bigger click 3 and also click on the item

Rotate- To make it rotate click 2 and also click on the item

smaller-To make it smaller click 1 and also click on the item

Paper tower technology report

Task description:Yesterday me and my class did a paper tower  game. We were splited in different groups and we got 20 or 30 papers and lots of tape. We worked together through everything but something wasn’t right about our tower it was tall but not stable so it fell  down.  At  the end we all had leaders of each group and we had to talk about our tower. The winning team is 2 because it was stable and tall.