Month: May 2023

Water cycle

Task description:Today I finished an activity about the water cycle. My favourite part was reading the  book but I kind of stuck on the 3rd page because it was a little bit hard. While I did this I felt tired and happy  but also happy because it was a little bit fun and a little bit tired.

Fossil writing

One day there was a scientist who loved exploring fossils and her name was Lizzy . One day she normally looked in the most ancient place in her country. But once she got there she didn’t find any fossils but all she could find was mud. She said “why are there not any fossils here?Later She discovered that all the fossils there were gone because other types of scientists keep taking them. But then she went to the location. She found many different types of fossils there. Like dinosaur fossils and any types of bones. She brought them to her laboratory to investigate the ancient times when the dinosaurs were living and she felt happy and excited.

Under the Sea

Task description:Today I did Some writing.It was called Under the sea My favourite part was writing it because it was very easy. While I was doing this i felt happy.


One Day there was a girl named Regina who had two brothers. They were going to the beach. She called her two brothers but the oldest didn’t want to but he came to the beach. She asked them to bring their togs but He didn’t want to but Tom and Regina did and also the bringed their snorkels. On theoxygen for some reason. They found an underground house where some weird types of way they sang a song. When they got there Regina and Tom went to the water but something was wrong for some reason. Until they looked down they saw the feet stuck in a big soft seashell. They tried to keep their heads up but they couldn’t keep their heads up. But Chad looked to the sea to find them but they were already gone. Chad saw the water bubbling. Chad went to check it out because it looked weird. He saw a big Seashell. When Regina and Tom got inside the big Seashell they could breathe things live. Chad went inside and he got wet and went into the seashell. When he got inside the seashell he saw his brother and sister. But then Chad remembered that he had some tools to open the door because the door was locked up with chains and a lock. Then Chad took all his tools out to make the door open. He also had his key. They got out and then they swam all the way to the sand. They Went to the car and Never ever went to that Big beach.